Friday, December 23, 2011


Al Mattison Lounge had a Xmas party Potluck.
Jo Thomas & Ellen Woodsworth donated the 25lb turkey

Lynn & Lee

Vera telling Santa she has been Naughty but still deserves a gift  lol

Vera, Diane, Lee & Lynn

Irene & Vera

Vera & Lynn

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Wishing all our friends a Merry Christmas


Sunday, October 23, 2011

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

YOGA 55+

Monday or Wednesday
Hatha Yoga 55+
For Older Adults 55+ Classes are adaptable - everything from a series of restorative asanas (poses) to Vinyass flow (regular Hatha). Restorative yoga is sequenced to gently open, stretch and massage tired, overworked, or stressed muscles and deep connective tissues. The practise will provide many benefits including increased focus and well being, less stress, better sleep, greater flexibility and strength, longer breath, along with rejuvenated energy and improved health. Hatha classes are a sequence of poses, (Vinyassa Flow), which provides the student with increased flexibility, strength and mindful body awareness. Hatha practise will warm up the muscles, instead of resting the muscles, increase muscular elasticity and strengthen skeletal alignment. A good stretch and a good workout! Remember to dress comfortably.
2:00pm - 3:15pm
Oct 31, 2011 - Dec 05, 2011
Oct 26, 2011 - Nov 30, 2011
6Sessions $40.00 or drop in $9.50
Register early

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving to all

Vancouver’s Top 10 Avoidable Scams for 2011

The victim receives a phone call from a Canadian phone number. The caller states that he is from Microsoft or some other major company and that there is a virus on the victim’s computer and that he can fix the problem. The victim is asked to a log onto a website.
The suspect then takes control of the victim’s computer, causing the computer screen to go black, and demanding a $150.00 Visa payment to make the computer work again.
The victim provides credit card information and the suspect returns victim’s computer to an operational status.
The victim is billed the $150.00 through their credit card.
How to Avoid Being a Victim
•understand that no real company will call you regarding a computer virus
•understand that this is a scam based in India
•understand that the Canadian phone number shown is fake
•simply hang up on the suspect without discussing the matter
•don’t go on any websites, or download anything
•if scammed and you provided credit card information, contact your credit card company immediately and ask them to reverse the charges

A suspect sends out a mass mailing, a notice of lottery winnings, to thousands of people. The letter requests money in order for the recipient to receive the lottery winnings. Believing they have won a lottery prize, the victim sends money according to the directions in the letter.
This scam targets the elderly – often via black market bait lists.
How to Avoid Being a Victim
•understand no legitimate lottery asks for money to receive winnings
•understand you cannot win a lottery you have not entered
•don’t send money to collect a lottery winning
•discuss this scam with the elderly, who are the target of this scam
•report scam to the Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre

The suspect buys an event ticket for a concert, sporting event, etc., with a stolen credit card number. He lists the real event tickets online. The victim responds to the ad, then meets with the suspect and pays cash for the authentic event tickets.
The event organizer discovers the tickets were purchased with a stolen credit card number and cancels the tickets. When the victim attends the event, they are denied entry due to the ticket cancellation.
How to Avoid Being a Victim
•purchase event tickets through established event ticket re-sale companies
•use the Better Business Bureau to check out ticket re-sale companies
•purchase event tickets through established companies using a credit card (can dispute payment if not allowed into event)
•if you must buy event tickets from private individual: ■ ■tell the person you will be asking for photo identification
■meet in a public place
■bring a friend
■examine the event tickets
■ask for photo identification
■write down seller’s personal information
■be ready to have the event tickets cancelled by the organizer

Type 1
Personal information about the victim is obtained through mail theft or from the victim’s garbage. The victim receives a phone call from someone stating they are a family member, generally a grandson, and in distress in a foreign country.
The caller tells the victim to keep the information confidential and to wire money. The victim wires the money, later discovering the family member was never in trouble.
Type 2
The suspect gains access to the victim’s email or Facebook account and sends a distress email to all of the victim’s email contacts.
The e-mail states that the victim is in distress in a foreign country and to keep the information confidential. As in the first type, the victim is asked to wire money to the foreign country, later discovering their friend was never in trouble./
How to Avoid Being a Victim:
•protect personal written information
•use full security features on email accounts
•don’t use simple passwords like “Password1234”
•if provided a distress message, call the person involved and/or their family
•understand that if you are asked to wire money and to keep it quiet, this is a scam

Victim finds a great deal for an advertised rental property. They interact with the suspect by email or meeting in coffee shops. They are asked for a damage deposit and rent in cash or to be wired to an account. The victim pays the suspect without ever seeing the rental property.
When the victim goes to move in to the rental property, they discover that it is occupied and that the suspect never had the right to rent the property.
How to Avoid Being a Victim
•attend and inspect all rental property
•ask potential landlord for photo identification
•check with the apartment manager regarding who can rent the property
•pay with post-dated cheques
•understand that if you are being pressured to pay cash for a rental property you have not seen, it is scam
•for non-resident property rental, use establish rental companies
•use the Better Business Bureau to check out rental companies

The suspect answers an online advertisement for an item for sale. They meet with the seller and agree to purchase the item, paying with counterfeit currency.
The victim does not know how to check for counterfeit money or is too embarrassed to examine the money. They discover it is counterfeit after the suspect has left with the purchased item.
How to Avoid Being a Victim
•be aware that counterfeit suspects are looking for online electronic items for sale, such as iPhones, iPads, Xboxes, Playstation 3s, or Nintendo PlayStations
•meet in a public location with a friend
•know three security measures on money and always use them
•if in doubt, return the money and walk away from the deal with your property
How to Detect a Counterfeit Bill

Victim answers a job advertisement for a mystery shopper and is given the job. The suspect and the victim never meet face-to-face. The victim receives a cheque in the mail and is instructed to convert it into cash for the shopping.
When the cheque is deposited into the victim’s bank account, it initially clears, and they withdraw cash to purchase items from stores, believing they are a mystery shopper.
At some point, the victim is requested to wire money to the suspect. Four to six weeks after they have done so, the victim is told by their bank that the cheque did not clear at the designation bank. The victim must pay back their bank for the amount of the cheque provided by the suspect.
How to Avoid Being a Victim
•understand that many mystery shopper jobs can be scams, check out any company with the Better Business Bureau
•understand that cheques can take 4-6 weeks to clear at the destination bank based on the number coding, not the name on the cheque
•understand that whenever you are asked to wire money based on a cheque deposit, it is normally a scam

This type of scam is also known as the “419” scam after Section 419 of the Nigerian Penal Code that prohibits this activity in Nigeria or just the “Nigeria” scam.
A suspect sends out thousands of e-mails or letters stating that a large sum of money can be moved out of a foreign country. The recipient is advised that they can get a large share of the money if they help the writer get the money out of the foreign country.
The victim responds to the email and a relationship is built, leading up to the suspect asking the victim to wire money. Once the money is wired, the victim never hears from the suspect again.
How to Avoid Being a Victim
•understand that all advanced fee requests are scams
•if you receive a letter in the mail or via fax, simply ignore it
•do not respond back to these emails or faxes – you will be targeted as part of a “suckers” list and fraudsters will share or sell your details to other fraudsters
•report emails to your email server (i.e. abuse@yahoo.com, etc.) so your internet service provider can terminate any accounts that abuse their systems

The suspect emails thousands of fake bank security alerts, complete with bank logo and email address, asking for the recipient’s personal bank information. When the victim opens an attachment, a virus is loaded onto their computer.
The victim supplies personal bank information, which the suspect uses to access their bank account.
How to Avoid Being a Victim
•use up-to-date anti-virus software
•understand that no bank will email you regarding security issues
•be aware that all bank alert e-mails are scams
•don’t respond to any bank alert e-mail
•delete all bank alert e-mails
•report e-mails to your e-mail server (i.e. abuse@yahoo.com, etc.) so your internet service provider can terminate any accounts that abuse their systems

Suspect walks door-to-door and speaks with residents, pretending to be a fire or building inspector or collecting for charity. The victim feels pressured and pays the suspect cash.
How to Avoid Being a Victim
•understand that no inspector would be going door-to-door asking or money
•be aware that most charities no longer solicit door-to-door
•if in doubt, close and lock your door, and phone the organization the suspect reports they are with
•tell the suspect you are not interested and ask them to leave
•if you feel scared of the suspect call the police
•if you think the person is a scammer, call the police with that information after the person leaves
•if you want a home inspection, initiate once yourself – do not let any unknown person into your home that comes to your door without a prior appointment
•if you want to give money to a charity, reach out to the charity through their website or by phone -do not respond to strangers at the door
•report suspicious door-to-door sales people to Consumer Protection BC at 1(888)564-9963 or http://www.consumerprotectionbc.ca/

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Terry Fox run for cancer & one of our seniors

A sculptor who has worked on three Terry Fox memorials, including the bronze casting at SFU, says the new sculpture unveiled Friday at B.C. Place is his favourite.
“This is the best,” said Stephen Harman, who worked for a time-constrained six months to realize Douglas Coupland’s vision of four statues that bring to life Fox’s famous hop-step gait.
“It’s amazing, and I knew it would be,” said Harman, who cast the bronzes and was putting some final touches on them yesterday.
Since the unveiling, the statues have been attracting crowds. John Pettitt was among the viewers yesterday.
“If you think about it, when he started his journey out east he was unknown, but now he’s larger than life,” Pettitt said of the figures that become progressively larger toward the road.
Lee Turner, a three-time cancer survivor and disabled runner, could relate to the struggle and triumph the bronzes capture. She said Terry Fox has been a source of inspiration.
He kept me motivated and inspired me,” said Turner, who completed both the short and long routes of the Terry Fox Run this year despite having to wear restrictive knee braces.
in the distance left side you see Lee & June walking home

Thursday, August 25, 2011

August Potluck

Small group cause it is the summer but nice to see friends

Friday, August 19, 2011


1. Try everything twice.
On one woman's tombstone she said she wanted this epitaph:
"Tried everything twice. Loved it both times!"

2. Keep only cheerful friends.
The grouches pull you down.
(Keep this in mind if you are one of those grouches!)

3. Keep learning:
Learn more about the computer, crafts, gardening, whatever...
Never let the brain get idle. 'An idle mind is the devil's workshop.'
And the devil's name is Alzheimer's!

4. Enjoy the simple things.

5. Laugh often, long and loud.
Laugh until you gasp for breath.
And if you have a friend who makes you laugh,
spend lots and lots of time with HIM/HER.

6.. The tears happen:
Endure, grieve, and move on.
The only person who is with us our entire life, is ourselves.
LIVE while you are alive.

7. Surround yourself with what you love:
Whether it's family, pets, keepsakes, music, plants, hobbies, whatever..
Your home is your refuge.

8. Cherish your health:
If it is good, preserve it.
If it is unstable, improve it.
If it is beyond what you can improve, get help.

9. Don't take guilt trips..
Take a trip to the mall, even to the next county,
to a foreign country, but NOT to where the guilt is.

10. Tell the people you love that you love them, at every opportunity.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Things happening at Britannia!!!

Hello Brit Volunteers!
If you haven't had a chance to drop by Britannia recently, please do so this weekend!
Artful Sundays takes place every Sunday between Aug 7-Sept 4 from 12pm-5pm and there are many artists featured on the weekend!

This Sunday, Aug 14, don’t' forget to catch the Knitting/Crochet Special where you can observe the intricate, delicate and amazing pieces literally developed before your eyes!
There'll be live music with Katheryn Petersen and Rio Samaya and also a first-ever, Knit Crochet Café run by your very own Britannia Volunteer Program!

That's right! Freshly baked food, freshly brewed Ethical Bean Coffee, and freshly made tea just like the way a sunny Sunday ought to be spent! :) All proceeds for the café go to the Volunteer Program.
This event relies on your participation! Come on down and check out the event and café or if you can spare some time, volunteer with us!
Volunteers are wanted to assist at the café, setting up, selling and serving coffee/tea, and striking, between 11:30-2:30pm or from 3pm-6pm. Needless to say, there'll be yum yums for volunteers!
If you're available and enthusiastic about this opportunity to get busy this Sunday, meet people, and share the sunshine with big smiles, then let us know!
Please let us know by Thursday, Aug 11, 4pm
Charlene Wee, CAVR
Coordinator, Volunteer Program
Britannia Community Services Centre
1661 Napier St. Vancouver BC V5L 4X4
T: 604-718-5860

Friday, July 15, 2011

Dr Art Hister - Prescription Drug Use

If you’re a typical senior, chances are you’re on at least 2 prescription drugs, and many of you are likely on several.
That’s according to a survey just carried out in the US where 88.4 % of people over the age of 60 were found to be on at least one prescription drug (I figure the other 11.6 % were probably not seeing a doctor), and 31 % of all Americans (not just seniors) were taking 2 or more prescription drugs, while a staggering 11% were taking 5 or more prescription drugs.
And note that those are drugs by prescription; most of those people, I am sure, were also taking at least one, and probably several over-the-counter preparations.

Now there would be nothing wrong with those numbers, if all those drugs were 1) prescribed for very good reasons, in other words, they were being taken either to prolong life or promote health, 2) they were all safe, 3) they were all effective at doing what they are supposed to do, and 4) there were very few drug interactions to worry about.
The sad truth, however, is that many prescription drugs are iffy in their effectiveness, their safety is always at issue (even after many years), and drug interactions are a huge concern, so that the more drugs you take, the greater the potential problems.
And unfortunately, the way our health care system works, it’s not always possible to go through all those variables in the typical visit with the family doctor.
Not only that but indications are always changing, that is, what the doctor told you about why you need a certain drug when you first got that prescription may no longer be valid, yet many people continue on prescriptions for years and years without asking if it’s still necessary to do so.
That’s why one of the most important friends you can make is your pharmacist. Your pharmacist is often the best person to ask about what a medication is supposed to be doing, what side effects you should expect, what potential complications to look for, what drug interactions you should be aware of, etc, etc.
Go ahead, the next time you get a prescription filled, talk to your pharmacist about that drug – you’re going to be pleasantly surprised at what you learn.

Monday, July 11, 2011

July Bake Sale

Our July Bake and Sell takes place this week!
If you like to bake, learn some new awesome recipes and have a short tea break with some fun, fun, people… let me know!
Bake takes place on Friday July 15, 3-5pm at the Al Mattison Lounge Kitchen
Sale takes place on Saturday 16, 9am-12pm at the Britannia Secondary Parking Lot.
Volunteers are wanted to assist with baking and selling. Yum yums to be had! Sign up quick so we know how many to expect!
If you have recipe you'd like to try, let us know! If you are able to bring some baking supplies for Friday, that'd be great too! We are looking for measuring cups for liquids and try items, mixing bowls, and some wooden spoons. :)
Charlene Wee, CAVR
Coordinator, Volunteer Program I Energy Champion
Britannia Community Services Centre
1661 Napier St. Vancouver BC V5L 4X4
T: 604-718-5860
email: charlene.wee@vancouver.ca

Monday, June 27, 2011

Relay for Life

"Relay for Life" held June 18.
This was Lee's 3rd year having her team, "Lee's Flaming Britannia Bruins". More than half her team are friends from Britannia as well people who she swims with. It was a huge success, what a phenomenal venue at the Richmond Olympic Oval to do this in. Everything went like clock work. Volunteers did an awesome job. The best news of all is that we more than surpassed our goal  with 486 participants.  We raised  a whopping $188,600!! Donations continue to come in.

Lee's team

Cap Lee on the right with Anne

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Volunteers needed

Tis that time of month again and we're looking to see if you'd like to bake and help us sell!
If you're interested in baking, please let us know by July 11.
Our bake sessions are designed to be fun, informative, and creative!~ If you haven't baked before or just want to spend some time out of the house, come on and join the Friday afternoon friendly bunch who pick recipes and bake between 3-5pm each 3rd Friday. Volunteers who bake gather around for tea and to try out their luscious baked goods!
These yummy goodies are then nicely wrapped and sold on the 3rd Saturday of each month.
Our bake leader, Jenny sorts out recipes and facilitates the kitchen crew and volunteer leader, Limei ensures that our yummies are sold at the 3rd Saturday Beyond the Blue Box Recycling program at Britannia's Parking lot.
Sign up quick!
Charlene Wee, CAVR
Coordinator, Volunteer Program I Energy Champion
Britannia Community Services Centre
1661 Napier St. Vancouver BC V5L 4X4
T: 604-718-5860 F: 604-718-5858
E: charlene.wee@vancouver.ca
www.britanniacentre.org   (see our website for information and to download an application form

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Walking Group 04 June

Just 2 of the ships
We went out to Steveston to see the tall ships ( there were 4 ships at Garry Point).
we walked through the village and on to Garry Point. We had to walk from No l and Garry Street as the 4l0 was rerouted, but when we left about 4:00 we manage to get the bus at the regular stop.
There were 8 persons ( Mimi, Linda, Susan, Julianna, Odette, Jean, Marilyn, Ken)

walk lead by Marilyn

Thursday, June 2, 2011

It is Time!!!!

How do you know when it is time to
"hang up the car keys"?
I say when your dog has this look on his face!
A picture is worth a thousand words!

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Summer Programs

This is just a reminder that new programs are set for the summer.
Weather permitting Bocce in the Park, on going Walking Club, Badminton, swimming.......
Move it people, keep active in mind & body.

Walking Group 28 May

May 28 we walk down the drive to Lion's Den for the garage sale.
Afterwards we took the #20 bus to downtown and then caught #l6 to
go up South Granville to see another bazaar at South Granville Senior's Centre.
Then we walk west on 12th ave to Maple Street to the following community garden.

there were 5 ( Marilyn, Ken, Linda, Jean and Susan)
walk lead by Marilyn

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Volunteers needed

VOLUNTEER SHIFTS: 10am-2pm or 1:30-5:30pm.
TASKS: Setting up and taking down feast equipment, tables and chairs etc. Serving food and replenishing food. Meeting and greeting the public and registering people who come to support arts initiatives.
REQUIREMENTS: Outgoing, friendly personality, confident connecting with public in the English language
BENEFITS: Support your local community and arts initiatives, engage in grassroots planning and opportunities, meet artists and community and join in our FEAST!
Statement of hours provided if requested at end of shift.

The EAST FEAST is a community meal that raises funds through ticket sales to the event which in turn directly funds an artist or artist group. The decision on the distribution of funds is given to the community through a democratic voting process. This FEAST is grassroots micro-funding at its best, relying on community engagement to be successful.
Community members will be invited to participate by attending a meal in support of local artists.
The inaugural FEAST is scheduled for Sunday June 5th and will have an “afternoon tea” theme. Those who attend will enjoy food specifically created and prepared for the event by artist-chef Michael Speier of Open Sesame Thematic Catering, entertainment and the opportunity to meet and listen to three artists who will each make a 5-7 minute presentation during the event. At the end of the FEAST meal the attendees will vote on which artist they would like to see funded. The chosen artist will receive a grant from the funds raised by the event ticket sales of up to $1000.
The EAST FEAST is a granting process targeting artists who may not be eligible for the formal methods of corporate or government funding. The application process has been made purposely simple, easily accessible and open for the artist to imagine the possibilities. This process gives the artist an unrestricted resource of funds to realize an artistic goal. The artist chosen at the FEAST to receive funding will be expected to present at the next FEAST through an oral or visual display/demonstration describing to the attendees the impact the FEAST funding had on their project.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Where is my Sunday Paper

No Sunday Paper:
This is dedicated to all of us who are seniors, to all of you who know seniors, and to all of you who will become seniors.

"WHERE is my SUNDAY paper?!"
The irate customer calling the newspaper office, loudly demanded to know where her Sunday edition was.
"Madam", said the newspaper employee, "today is Saturday. The Sunday paper is not delivered until tomorrow, on SUNDAY".
There was quite a long pause on the other end of the phone, followed by a ray of recognition as she was heard to mutter, ...
..."Well, shoot, that explains why no one was at church either

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Walking Group 14 May

May 14 we walked up the Drive to Trout Lake and went to the farmer's market. http://www.eatlocal.org/
Trout Lake Farmers Market Saturdays, May 14 - October 22, 2011
9am - 2pm each week
North Parking Lot of John Hendry Park at Trout Lake
Between Templeton and Lakewood south of the 13th Avenue Alley
Please note: There is no parking in the North Lot and no parking on 13th Avenue. Please park away from the area & walk in. Or better yet: walk, cycle or take transit if you can
There were 5 os us.  ( Linda, Susan, Julianna, Marilyn, Ken)
Walk lead by Marilyn

P.s. previous week there was no walk due to bad weather.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Runners hit the road for a cause at BMO Vancouver Marathon

Family and friends inspire athletes pounding through the 26-mile course downtown.
Jenny Uechi
Posted: May 1st, 2011
  Vancouver Observer
BMO runner Lee Turner (65), photos by Jenny Uechi
They came with runners on their feet, water bottles in hand and a sense of purpose in their heart.
At 6 a.m. on Sunday, thousands of athletes gathered at Concord Place for the 41st annual BMO Vancouver Marathon. While many were avid runners looking to best their personal time, some were simply here to run for loved ones or to raise awareness for a global cause.
Lee Turner, a trim-looking runner, proudly shows off three badges on her jacket and T-shirt.
"This one is my sister -- she'd been missing to me for the last 45 years, and found me two years ago," she says, pointing to the left badge. "The other is my best friend, who's 77. She's supposed to be here, but she's going blind." The badge in the centre is her grandmother.
"I'm running for these people today," she beams.

The BMO Marathon will be her last race before Turner goes for knee surgery. She wears sturdy braces -- custom made, $1520 each, she says -- which will hopefully allow her to run the race "pain free".
Turner says that after 27 years of avid running, her knees have been worn down to the point that there is almost no cartilege left. Still, thanks to her running coach, Rainy Kent, she says she's been able to work around her limitations and take on the half-marathon today.
Lee Turner finished her marathon!!!

Monday, May 2, 2011

Walking club

April 30, 2011 we took the #20 bus to Harrison Loop and walked down the Fraser river at the foot of Victoria drive. We walked from Victoria Dive to Kerr Road and the we walked up to Marine Drive and walked through the Fraserview golf course ( which is l hour walk around  the golf course). there were 5 ( Marilyn, Mimi, Jean, Susan, Ken)

walk lead by Marilyn

Friday, April 29, 2011

Ponder for the Day

There will be times when you will be in the field without a camera. And, you will see the most glorious sunset or the most beautiful scene that you have ever witnessed. Don’t be bitter because you can’t record it. Sit down, drink it in, and enjoy it for what it is!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Walking Club

On April 16 we walked down the Drive to Hastings and caught the 135 bus to Willingdon and Hastings.  We walked to Confederation Seniors centre and then walked through the park and the  neighbourhood. http://www.burnaby.ca/cityhall/departments/departments_parks/rcrtn/prksrc_fclts/Seniors/Confederation_Centre.html
There were 6 of us  ( Linda, Mimi, Marilyn, Susan, Julianna, Ken)

Walk lead by Marilyn

Saturday, April 16, 2011

"An Italian Family Dinner" with Linda Massaro

Italians have enormous pride in their food. Who does not love and appreciate Italian food for its good quality and great taste? In fact, it was in Italy that the Slow Food Movement was born -- not only as an alternative to "fast food", but also to preserve local food traditions. In this story, Linda Massaro tells us about the very important tradition of eating together as a family.
After you watch this video, you might want to try making the recipe below


Wednesday, April 13, 2011

"Pasta Memories" with Maria Buono

"Pasta Memories" with Maria Buono
Maria Buono has been in Canada for much of her life, after emigrating from Italy. Still, her memories of Italy are strong, particularly of food and its association with family. We get a sense from Maria's story that food has alwarys been a very important part of her life. In this school cooking group, we prepared a simple but much loved recipe of tomato sauce and pasta.
this video was put on this food blog

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Walking Group 09 April/11

April 9 2011 walk, we walked down Commerical Drive to Powell St., then walked along Powell to Wall St.  We had an enjoyable walk with lots of little parks to sit and see the harbour.  One park was called Mediation Park. We then walked from Wall St. up Kaslo St. to Trinity St. with a short visit with Tina and George.  Afterwards we then walked along Renfrew St. to Hastings/Renfrew and down Hastings to Lakewood, Adanac and back to the Drive.
On Renfrew near PNE we saw a Bald Eagle flying as there is an Eagle's nest
across from the PNE in the trees on the Northeast corner.
there were 6 of us ( Marilyn, Ken, Jean, Mimi, Odette, Linda)
walk lead by Marilyn

Monday, April 11, 2011

Volunteers needed

As we launch into the week where volunteers get recognized for the work they do all over Canada, in small and large communities, in neighbourhoods, schools, in areas hit by natural disasters etc., let's keep in mind that all of us have the capacity to get out there and do something special for people around us! :) Every little bit helps and you folks know this best because you're all volunteers!
Check out our volunteering opportunities for April and May and then stay tuned for our Spring newsletter that will feature one of YOU, share some interesting community news, and facts about volunteering!
April 15, Friday 3:30-5:30pm
Bake, bake, bake…then eat!
Yes, come join us as we bake some of our favourite recipes (you can use your own!) to sell at the monthly Beyond the Blue Box Recycling program at Brit's Secondary School every 3rd Saturday. If you're interested, please email me your name and let me know who's coming and if you have a recipe to share! After baking, we wrap up with an afternoon TEA… someone's got to try the cookies, right? :)
APRIL 16, Saturday 8:45am-12:15pm
Bake Sale! Now we've baked them, we gotta sell them! This takes place on the 3rd Sat of every month until the Fall. Volunteers help set up the tent, chairs, table, make coffee and sell our lovely baked goods to the hungry people who come to recycle their items! Volunteers for this position need to register ahead of time with me in order to be able to do this shift. We're looking for outgoing, friendly people, with the can-do attitude! All proceeds go to the Volunteer Program.
May 1, Sunday 8am-1pm or 11am-4pm-- pick a shift
You've likely seen it while walking your dog or playing on the soccer field at the Britannia Oval. It's time to give our skyline mural a new face-lift! If you like being part of something BIG, love registering and organizing food and people (we're expecting 160 people!) and support our local soccer program (micro footie), this is the event for you… and our friends and family! Only 16 coveted spots available and they're starting to fill up quickly. Sign up quick if you want to be part of the action! Refreshments and lunch provided.
May 7, Saturday 9am-2pm or 1:30-6pm
Stone Soup Festival
This is the place to be in May! Even people in Europe have heard about our ever popular community festival featuring musicians, artists, and local vendors and food. Come explore our mini Farmer's market, free workshops on food and button-making, and surround yourself with COMMERCIAL DRIVE and SOUP of course! Refreshments provided throughout the day. Shifts are almost all filled. Sign up quick if you're still interested! Orientation is on May 5, at 4:30pm at the Learning Resource Centre, behind the library.
May 20/21 - Bake and Tea!
Yup, it's the 3rd Friday and Saturday of May, so we bake again on the Friday and sell the next day. Volunteers are always welcome but please sign up early so we know how many will be there! Friday 3:30-5:30 and Saturday 8:45am-12:15pm.
Thanks for volunteering and don't forget to VOTE FOR BRITANNIA's Plant a Seed, Harvest a Community Submission before April 15! This will highlight the work that all of you do here at Britannia! http://bit.ly/gWFGfS (click on "organization")
Charlene Wee, CAVR
Coordinator, Volunteer Program
Britannia Community Services Centre
1661 Napier St. Vancouver BC V5L 4X4
T: 604-718-5860 F: 604-718-5858
E: charlene.wee@vancouver.ca

Cast your vote as often as possible

Hi there!
In April 2011, Britannia submitted a video for the VoluntHero Contest held by Volunteer Richmond, to raise the profile of volunteers and programs across Metro Vancouver... This video was made BY VOLUNTEERS for our volunteers...
A select panel of judges voted and BRITANNIA made it to the FINAL 3!
We need YOUR VOTE now to secure the winning position! Please support Britannia's Volunteer Program and our services by voting Brit as your first choice! Multiple votes are permissable, so vote away!
Voting will be open to the public from April 9th to 15th and the winners will be announced in the Richmond Review on Saturday April 16th.
First, second and third prize winners will be determined by the number of votes each piece receives so encourage your friends, family and colleagues to vote!
The following link may be posted on your social media sites or emailed to friends to vote.
 (click "organizations")
Whether you've volunteered at Britannia in the past or are a current volunteer, we thank you in advance for your support! All votes are valid, even if you are overseas!
or go to this below as well

Thursday, April 7, 2011


This is a posting for a special opportunity to get involved and BUSY for one day in May… well, technically two days since some of you have already signed up for Stone Soup! Woohoo!
On May 1st, Sunday, join 100 people as we give the Britannia Oval a new facelift! Think Extreme Oval Makeover!
From 9am-3pm, 100 people will be on-site to repaint the mural facing the Britannia Oval AND create a new mural for our soccer container right outside the Britannia Secondary Cafeteria! But hang on folks, that's not all! We're also going to be building benches and painting them… woo hoo!
70 volunteers from Risk Insurance Management Society (RIMS) will be there to give back to the community by providing the paint and labour, but they'll need help in getting organized and that's where you come in!
We're looking for 16 active, enthusiastic, outgoing and friendly volunteers with the can-do attitude! You'll be helping with set-up, operations, registration, food service, clean-up and more!
If any of this sounds like, "YEAH! This is so me!", please let me know.
Shifts are 8am-1pm or 11am-4pm. We have limited spots, so sign up quick before we open this up to the larger community!
(Light refreshments and lunch provided. Statements of hours too if requested at the end of your shift!)
To volunteer, please pick your shift and email me directly with your full name, contact number and email address!
See you all soon!
Charlene Wee, CAVR
Coordinator, Volunteer Program
Britannia Community Services Centre
1661 Napier St. Vancouver BC V5L 4X4
T: 604-718-5860 F: 604-718-5858
E: charlene.wee@vancouver.ca
www.britanniacentre.org   (see our website for information and to download an application form)

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Walking Club 02April

We took the #20 bus to Dunsmuir/Richards and then caught the #250 bus to Ambleside. We then walked from Ambleside along the beach to Dundrave (Ambleside to Dundarave is 3 KLM) . It was a great walk and beautiful day as you see by the pictures.
We saw 3 eagles soaring over the sea walk.
There were 6 of us(Mimi, Linda, Susan, Odette, Marilyn, Ken)
walk lead by Marilyn