Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Summer Programs

This is just a reminder that new programs are set for the summer.
Weather permitting Bocce in the Park, on going Walking Club, Badminton, swimming.......
Move it people, keep active in mind & body.

Walking Group 28 May

May 28 we walk down the drive to Lion's Den for the garage sale.
Afterwards we took the #20 bus to downtown and then caught #l6 to
go up South Granville to see another bazaar at South Granville Senior's Centre.
Then we walk west on 12th ave to Maple Street to the following community garden.

there were 5 ( Marilyn, Ken, Linda, Jean and Susan)
walk lead by Marilyn

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Volunteers needed

VOLUNTEER SHIFTS: 10am-2pm or 1:30-5:30pm.
TASKS: Setting up and taking down feast equipment, tables and chairs etc. Serving food and replenishing food. Meeting and greeting the public and registering people who come to support arts initiatives.
REQUIREMENTS: Outgoing, friendly personality, confident connecting with public in the English language
BENEFITS: Support your local community and arts initiatives, engage in grassroots planning and opportunities, meet artists and community and join in our FEAST!
Statement of hours provided if requested at end of shift.

The EAST FEAST is a community meal that raises funds through ticket sales to the event which in turn directly funds an artist or artist group. The decision on the distribution of funds is given to the community through a democratic voting process. This FEAST is grassroots micro-funding at its best, relying on community engagement to be successful.
Community members will be invited to participate by attending a meal in support of local artists.
The inaugural FEAST is scheduled for Sunday June 5th and will have an “afternoon tea” theme. Those who attend will enjoy food specifically created and prepared for the event by artist-chef Michael Speier of Open Sesame Thematic Catering, entertainment and the opportunity to meet and listen to three artists who will each make a 5-7 minute presentation during the event. At the end of the FEAST meal the attendees will vote on which artist they would like to see funded. The chosen artist will receive a grant from the funds raised by the event ticket sales of up to $1000.
The EAST FEAST is a granting process targeting artists who may not be eligible for the formal methods of corporate or government funding. The application process has been made purposely simple, easily accessible and open for the artist to imagine the possibilities. This process gives the artist an unrestricted resource of funds to realize an artistic goal. The artist chosen at the FEAST to receive funding will be expected to present at the next FEAST through an oral or visual display/demonstration describing to the attendees the impact the FEAST funding had on their project.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Where is my Sunday Paper

No Sunday Paper:
This is dedicated to all of us who are seniors, to all of you who know seniors, and to all of you who will become seniors.

"WHERE is my SUNDAY paper?!"
The irate customer calling the newspaper office, loudly demanded to know where her Sunday edition was.
"Madam", said the newspaper employee, "today is Saturday. The Sunday paper is not delivered until tomorrow, on SUNDAY".
There was quite a long pause on the other end of the phone, followed by a ray of recognition as she was heard to mutter, ...
..."Well, shoot, that explains why no one was at church either

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Walking Group 14 May

May 14 we walked up the Drive to Trout Lake and went to the farmer's market. http://www.eatlocal.org/
Trout Lake Farmers Market Saturdays, May 14 - October 22, 2011
9am - 2pm each week
North Parking Lot of John Hendry Park at Trout Lake
Between Templeton and Lakewood south of the 13th Avenue Alley
Please note: There is no parking in the North Lot and no parking on 13th Avenue. Please park away from the area & walk in. Or better yet: walk, cycle or take transit if you can
There were 5 os us.  ( Linda, Susan, Julianna, Marilyn, Ken)
Walk lead by Marilyn

P.s. previous week there was no walk due to bad weather.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Runners hit the road for a cause at BMO Vancouver Marathon

Family and friends inspire athletes pounding through the 26-mile course downtown.
Jenny Uechi
Posted: May 1st, 2011
  Vancouver Observer
BMO runner Lee Turner (65), photos by Jenny Uechi
They came with runners on their feet, water bottles in hand and a sense of purpose in their heart.
At 6 a.m. on Sunday, thousands of athletes gathered at Concord Place for the 41st annual BMO Vancouver Marathon. While many were avid runners looking to best their personal time, some were simply here to run for loved ones or to raise awareness for a global cause.
Lee Turner, a trim-looking runner, proudly shows off three badges on her jacket and T-shirt.
"This one is my sister -- she'd been missing to me for the last 45 years, and found me two years ago," she says, pointing to the left badge. "The other is my best friend, who's 77. She's supposed to be here, but she's going blind." The badge in the centre is her grandmother.
"I'm running for these people today," she beams.

The BMO Marathon will be her last race before Turner goes for knee surgery. She wears sturdy braces -- custom made, $1520 each, she says -- which will hopefully allow her to run the race "pain free".
Turner says that after 27 years of avid running, her knees have been worn down to the point that there is almost no cartilege left. Still, thanks to her running coach, Rainy Kent, she says she's been able to work around her limitations and take on the half-marathon today.
Lee Turner finished her marathon!!!

Monday, May 2, 2011

Walking club

April 30, 2011 we took the #20 bus to Harrison Loop and walked down the Fraser river at the foot of Victoria drive. We walked from Victoria Dive to Kerr Road and the we walked up to Marine Drive and walked through the Fraserview golf course ( which is l hour walk around  the golf course). there were 5 ( Marilyn, Mimi, Jean, Susan, Ken)

walk lead by Marilyn