10. The Hollow Tree is an amazing and unique example of a giant red cedar almost 20 feet (6m) across and 1,000 years old.
9. Red cedar with its innumerable uses was the foundation, with salmon, of First Nations culture here for perhaps 10,000 years. It was revered as the "tree of life."
8. The First influx of immigrants to Vancouver came to cut down some of the biggest trees in Canada. We need at least one example remaining on display to testify to the interesting origins of Vancouver.
7. The Hollow Tree has been one of Vancouver's primary tourist attractions since the city of Vancouver was founded in the 1880s, and it is still an important tourist destination today.
6. The Hollow Tree is in relatively good condition, and it is a relatively simple task to unobtrusively return it to its original vertical position, safe and sound.
5. In a new book "Sammy Squirrel and Rodney Raccoon: A Stanley Park Tale," the Hollow Tree appears as "Old Hollow Hall," a community hall in Stanley Park for the animals in the story.
4. At the BC-Canada Pavilion at the 2008 Beijing Olympics a replica of the Hollow Tree made from a huge old cedar stump from Stanley Park was used to promote BC and Canada to the world.
3. The Vancouver 2010 Olympic Committee is currently featuring the Hollow Tree in its promotional material for the Olympic mascots, including an animated video where two of the mascots are shown meeting for the first time at the Hollow Tree.
2. A team of top professionals in tree safety and heritage management is leading the movement to maintain the Hollow Tree as a national heritage landmark.
... and one final reason to save Stanley Park's world famous Hollow Tree:
1. Everyone who knows the Hollow Tree loves the Hollow Tree, and the Olympic tourists who come to Vancouver in 2010 should be able to find it and love it too!
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