Sunday, August 9, 2009

Walking Club 08 Aug '09

I arrived shortly after 10 am to read the training material provided and reminded the members who showed up - Judi, Susan, Linda, Marilyn and Ken - to be here at 10:15 so I have time to report to the office on who is going on the walk, where we plan to go, how we plan to get there and back.

We took the #20 bus to Broadway, transferred to the #9 going west, got off at Pine Street where we met Lorna who came out from the West End to join us. From there we walked down to 6Th Avenue and toured the three community gardens that I wrote about a few weeks ago: Cypress, Maplewood and Kitsilano gardens. For a list go to http://vancouver.ca/parks/parks/comgardn.htm.

From there we walked down to 2ND Avenue and stopped at Bean Around the World for a lunch break and very strong delicious coffee.

Our walk continued across the Burrard Bridge, during which time Lorna and I (Virginia) yelled at three separate cyclists who were using the sidewalk instead of the new cycling lane which is safely barricaded from vehicle traffic. One rider sarcastically remarked "Thanks! You made my day." Goody for him. Next time maybe he'll keep to the cycling lane and leave the sidewalk for pedestrians.

At the north end of Burrard, Lorna, Susan, Judi and Linda caught a bus on Burrard to return home while Marilyn, Ken and I took the stairway under the bridge and walked along the north shore of False Creek to Beatty Street where they caught the #15 community bus to Main Street to catch the skytrain to Broadway and Commercial on their way home. I caught the #15 Cambie at the nearest bus stop and transferred to the #20 Victoria at Robson & Seymour to get back to Britannia Centre.

The weather was overcast with a soft cool breeze, very comfortable for today's longer than usual walk. Ken particularly enjoyed the walk; he is a lover of gardens and dogs and we saw a lot of both today. He told me he walks dogs from the city pound two days a week, that the dogs like him and respond to his serene nature. He is a kind hearted person who says very little but appreciates the chats we have during our walks.

So, here's to dog and garden lovers everywhere. May you thrive and flourish and spread beauty and peace everywhere.

Contributor Virginia

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